Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jobs, Heat, and Baby

So my job went by quickly with the census. Chad finished at Breckenridge. It was wonderful to have him home again. Then we had to pack for the summer job: we were originally going to Atlanta GA but the week before we had to leave, that office combined with the Houston Texas office! So we are currently in houston Tx. And yes, I am trying to stay cool while chad works in the heat, as well as the other techs! poor guys! And I get to hang out with my big sister Ariel and her kids most of the time. And I am just loving it! :) We have missed being with Ariel, Darrick and their kids. So it's really fun.
Besides Chad working, I am now working as the other inventory manager. i deal with the equipment for the technicians. I like it but just have to be careful with what i lift.
For those who haven't heard, Chad and I are expecting our first kid this December. My duedate is Christmas Day! But we will see what happens because when my mom had my brother and me, we were both two-three weeks early. so maybe...just maybe we will have an early december baby. My mom is planning on flying out. I am so excited! I am starting to show a little bit but not too bad. I am now ten weeks today...and it's only the beginning! I have only gotten sick a little bit... every now and then. The ferret cage really bothers me! Chad has been amazing! He has helped with me that, which it so wonderful for me! :)
Other than that, not too much is going on. We are just enjoying work and keeping busy. It's been fun to read about pregnancies and just to expect our own. :) We are happy and both really excited!
Anyways, That's how the Corder Family is doing down in Texas with the jobs, heat, and little baby Corder growing.