Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy Four Years (plus a few days)

On December 1st, Chad and I celebrated being married for four years. Seriously, where has the time gone? It has been a great four years... he is an amazing man and I am so lucky to have his forever! We didn't do much since he worked that day and the next day at Breckenridge. But I did get him the gift that I've been working on for months! We have always wanted to make a memory quilt of places we have been. and that is what I've been doing. Chad's dad showed me how to transfer designs from the computer to the designer 1 embriodery machine. Chad's mom helped me by showing me what to do, put the material in the hoops, and sewed them together. It is not finished yet, but it looks so good. Needless to say that it was a team effort and the best, that chad had NO idea! :) he was surprised! and now he can help me finish by choosing designs. I will have to find my camera and take some pictures to post. :) Here is to more years to come!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Invasion of the teeth! Needless to say.. Cameron is getting his teeth! It's a good thing and a very tiring thing.. mostly for me! :) Here I got used to sleeping for a while and now he gets up a lot during the night. The top tooth is through but still coming down and the bottom tooth is still invading. And I think that the other top tooth will invade soon...Three invaders at once! Poor kid!
So besides having the teeth, Cameron is now 11 months! Oh my gosh! Where has this year gone? I can't believe that Cameron will be a year old in less than a month. He is such a big boy. For example, today I made him stand and let go of him. He stood for a while just smiling without any help! Can you say.. walking next? Which has me concern just because how am I going to keep him out of getting to the ferret cages?! He already is trying to get in between the couch and chair or CLIMB over the chest.. smart boy..But he is just so darn smart and cute... ahh.. crazy boy of mine. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life is interesting

Here are a few random pictures before the real info:
Me and Shaundra (who was dressed as a man) and yes.. this is my "slutty" look, which ended up being my character for the halloween dinner.. so me (just kidding!)

Chad's puking pumpkin :)

Grandpa and Grandma Corder dressed up as their characters for a halloween party (they were caretakers of an old haunted inn) Grandma Corder won for best costume...she was great! and Grandpa was scary with his tools :)

I have a leaf!

Cameron being watched by Grandpa at Shaundra's house

So if you read the previous post, you realized that that week was only the beginning half. Well, the rest of the week was just as bad. So Cameron was sick for the whole week! (he was better by the end of it) And on that Thursday, my mother in law ended up rolling the pickup truck onto the driver's side and sliding on the dirt road due to the poor road conditions of snow/ice. She is fine minus brusies and soreness, and we are very lucky and happy that she was okay. The truck...sadly is not okay. It ended up being totaled by the insurance company but the good news is that my father in law is buying it back and getting it fixed. It was Grandpa Corder's truck and has some family sentimentality to it. So that was the end of that week! talk about a big re-do for the family. But everyone was safe even with the bad things that happened.

Halloween was fun despite the wrecks of vechiles. We had a halloween dinner invite where it was a murder dinner mystery. It was fun and interesting! Chad had to work that day and could not come but hte rest of us went. The company and food was great! My character.. was so opposite of me but still fun. It was hard to be in "character" with Cameron awake the WHOLE time and getting into everything. lol. Maybe next year... it won't be so bad? For the ward halloween trunk'o'treat, Chad, Cameron and I were the "snowboarding" family with all of us wearing the outfits and goggles. I even made Cam a little snowboard out of cardboard and made it look like one of Chad's boards. It's really cute if I do say so myself :) And I took Cam around to get candy, which Chad and I have enjoyed! :) It was so fun and sadly don't have many pictures. But I will get some from friends and post them soon.

This past monday was great! I got to rearrange Cam's room with the wonderful help of Chad. And I have to say that I LOVE what we did. We moved everything to make more space in the center of the room, so when Cam gets older he can play or something like that. Also made it possible to have another crib in a corner for whenever we have the next kid. I am so excited and just LOVE it :) if you can't tell. But that is all the news for us. Life is interesting but the Lord always watches over us. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not a good day

Today..was not a good day. Cameron is sick and the sun roof on Chad's car got shattered today driving to the doctor's office. Can you say.. do over? So first off: Cameron.. has pink eye/cold and a high fever. He is doing well for truly being sick for the first time in ten months. the fever is raging between 99 and 102. It goes up and then slightly comes down. Here is hoping it will quit for the night? One sweet experience was Chad giving his first father's blessing :) I love having the priesthood in my home and a wonderful man who honors and uses it :)
So you may be asking.. how the heck did the sun roof get shattered? Oh yeah, FUN!... NOT! We were half way to the doctor's office when a rock comes and hits the front of our car (chad's at home sleeping to go to work tonight) and just think.. "oh man, not another hit to the windsheild". A few feet later it sounded like a shotgun went off in the car and glass falls down onto Chad's mom and I. What? Yeah, it just so happened that said rock hit the sun roof (which was closed) in the right spot and BAM! no more...:( so now we get to replace said sun roof. Good thing: no one was hurt...except our pocket book. Oh well, life happens but we are okay. But i am just hoping my little man can get rid of this high fever. I don't like it!! So overall...not a good day.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ten Months Old...

I can't believe that my little man is now ten months old. It is just crazy! It amazes me how fast the time went, even though everyone told me it does! To be honest, I knew I always wanted to be a mother and knew that it would be a lot of work...but I didn't realize that I would love it this much! It still hits me every now and then that Chad and I are parents! (even with ten months of having Cameron). It is amazing to have Cameron and I just can't imagine how my life would be without him. At church on Sunday, Cam wasn't with me for the last 40 minutes and it is so strange how I am like "I'm missing Cam on my lap!" or going everywhere on the floor. He is such a big part of our lives and we wouldn't trade it for anything! I know Chad loves being a dad and it hits him all the time of how much he loves his little man. And just how this just shows us in a small way what Heavenly Father feels for us. How amazing?
We love the gospel and all the knowledge that the Lord has blessed us with. I know I don't always bear my testimony to others. But I know that there is a God who loves us so much to send us here to learn and to have families and to someday be worthy and return to Him. I know that Jesus is the Christ and our brother who came to do the Lord's will. He made an atonement to help us return to Heavenly FAther because He loves us so much. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and for the knowledge that it contains. I am grateful for Joseph Smith who stood for what he knew to be true and didn't lack the courage to do the right thing. I am so grateful for all the examples I have in my life: my parents, my in-laws, my husband, my friends, my little man (who teaches me patience all the time), and countless others. I am so grateful for eternal families and the temple, what a wonderous place to be able to go to focus on what is truly important in life. I love my family very much... :) Life is good with the right attitude of the important things and not the silly things that distract us daily.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Bed Bug

I love my little man! He is just so dang cute!! Of course, he keeps me on my toes during the day with his daily activities of crawling every where and getting up and into everything :) but I love it when he sleeps. He is just so peaceful looking. Of course in the picture here he is right next to his train pillow. It is either near the pillow or near his ducky. I didn't imagine that motherhood would be this much fun despite the work :) I can't believe that my little man will be ten months in about eight hours. Where has the time gone? Soon he will be a year and no techinally a baby anymore.. sad :( but it will just be another cute stage.. i hope. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How much snow?

Saturday was a fun day inside! We were supposed to go into town for Super Saturday for Relief Soceity, which was mostly crafting and good food (we missed out). But we decided not to go since we got about a foot of snow! That's right.. a FOOT of snow...AWESOME!! The house needed to be cleaned and so this made us all clean. It also was Cameron's first snow. He liked it, I think. He espeically liked playing in it for a little bit today. Can you say.. he is SO Chad's son? :)

coming down.. here is FALL with lots of WINTER

This is about 8 in the morning.. about five to seven inches.. :)

first time in the snow.. with mommy

Cam looks cute in this picture

look at the snow on our heads!

Sunday.. fall with the melting snow

Daddy building a cave for the kids :)

Cam didn't want to go in it just yet... Chad is such a good Uncle and Dad

Playing in the snow.. he might need a snowsuit for the winter since this is size six to nine months.. and he is going into 12 months

here he is "digging" since that is what he was trying to do, or at least move the snow

Typical Day for Cameron

So I figured I would capture what my typical day looks like with Cameron, or should I say a typical day for Cameron? Anyways... this is ALL of his day, but most of it :) And yes, Cam keeps me very busy. And my poor friend Rachael found out when she watched him ;)

The day begins with m first feeding of food (typically fruit or yogurt) after breastfeeding
Yogurt.. yummy!

Let's change the channel for mommy! (or whoever is watching TV)

Drinking my water downed apple juice

Playing with the dog leash that is in the laundry room. Poor bear thinks he goes for a walk when I get it :(

Opening my drawer in the kitchen

playing with the bags in that drawer

talking on the phone with Grandma Canter, besides just wanting to chew it

finding fur on the carpet (typical with a house full of 15 animals)

i love to play with the phone books under the table looking out the window for Grandpa choping firewood

looking at my books!

screaming at mommy since she won't pick me while she deals with the ferrets

opening the old gerber puff cans.. what is inside this time?

reaching in.. what can I find? my toys! now i can talk in it!

playing with my counting turtle.. it sings and I dance to it

look at me climbing up the stairs!

trying to shake everything off the stool

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm going to the temple...

This past week was fun. The Corder family took a trip to Salt Lake City Utah where one of our good friends was getting married. We are so happy for him and his bride! We also got to visit some wonderful friends! Rachael was kind enough to watch Cameron for us so we could go to the sealing together. I'm sure she is glad that Matthew isn't as mobile as Cameron :) Needless to say that Cameron pulled EVERYTHING off shelves for her :) What a good boy! And he was certainly happy to see us when we came to get him. After hanging out at Temple Square, we got to see some dear friends that we worked with last summer. And they are expecting a little boy here in about two months. So exciting for them cause they will make wonderful parents. The Nickel family was so kind and generous to let us stay in their basement and crash a birthday party :) One of Chad's snowboard buddies, Andy, meet us for lunch and I love eating out with him because he knows the best places! Yummy food. And Andy's wonderful lady just had their baby boy! Babies babies are everywhere! :) And saturday we came home. I'm so glad we had a great trip but i am glad to be home :) And cameron did great in the car rides considering it is about a ten hour drive. When we first left to go to Utah, we left at 2 am, which he slept most of it. Coming back we left at ten am, which he did sleep a lot of but he was awake for most of it. Such a good seasoned traveler now!

Cameron was excited to "hold" Matthew... not so sure that Matthew is enjoying it :)

pretty flowers!

Cameron, we hope and pray you will desire to go there one day

Friends at the temple

we love each other.. got to love Cam's opinion

An eternal family

Rachael with Matthew and myself with Cameron at the temple

Cameron.. being Cameron (he does this all the time now since he rediscovered his tounge)

Matthew just relaxing and taking in the sites

Ben and his lovely wife!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Driving on a dirt road

Colorado springs viewed from the mountain

looking down at the flats of colorado

such a cool combination of colors

Besides hiking at Dome Rock, Chad, Cameron and I took Gold Camp Rd to Colorado Springs. It is such a pretty drive and the fall colors were beauiftul!! Here are a few pictures from that drive. I do have to say that shelf road was smoother than gold camp but both pretty drives.