Thursday, March 31, 2011


Chad had to replace our timing belt so he had to take apart the car.. and yes, he put it back together just fine and it runs great!

Cam eating his fingers.. love the look of "What?"

Mr. Smiley!

Chad and Cameron taking a nap after church!

A Much Needed Update!!

Oh my goodness! Can you say that I abandoned my blog for a while? :) Yes, Cam has taken up time and then Chad had the laptop at Alma.. and yeah.. no real excuses. So.. the much needed UPDATE on the Corder Family.
At the end of Janurary-early Feburary, Rachael Robison came to visit Cam and I. It was SO wonderful to have her here! And I am going to try to go visit her sometime in Utah when her little boy is born, which I am so excited for her and Mark! :) Chad has been working at Breck and lovin' it! Breck has gotten a bunch of snow which always makes it fun for him. He has started to dislike being away from home since Cam is becoming more active and "talking" a lot. One day with my in-laws, Cam and I went to Breck to visit his daddy while "Grandpa" Corder and I went snowboarding/skiing. Sadly, I only made one run cause my legs are NOT in shape for it, but I did really well until it came towards the bottom where it is a little steeper.. but oh well. I was proud of myself! woot!
Cam is now three months and 14 days old! I don't know where the time has gone! He is about 15 pounds and 24-24 1/2 inches long! Talk about a big baby! But he is just SO cute! ( Yes, I am biased) Some of the things he likes to do now is: chewing on his hands/fingers, espeically the index fingers!, he LOVES to sit up with the help of anyone. He is a giggling/smiling little man which makes him so cute, even in the early morning when I get him up for his first morning feeding! And it makes it more tolerable when I am so tired. He is now "oo"ing which is awesome! Sadly, he is still eating like every two hours during the day! So I don't know if I am teaching him this or if it will pass soon.. cause I don't mind it during the day but it does get old! At night, I only have to mess with him either one or two times. He does really well! Which, he is now in his room!! ( and yes, all those stuffed animals are in boxes under the crib now!) Our friends at church told us about this monitor that senses movement and will alert you if it no longer senses movement: it is called Angelcare. And we LOVE it! Thanks to the Lees! So he has been in his room since he turned three months.. and we don't worry about him at night now. One of the best things we have bought! Now on the list to get is: future car seat (we have picked one we liked) and a stroller! I really want the stroller that way we can go outside!! I'm sick of being really lazy.. and Chad's mom and I are going to try to go to the clubhouse to work out at least three times a week. That is my goal: I want my tummy slimer!
Other news: my sister-in-law, her hubby, and daughter are moving to Colorado. They should be here in about two hours I hope. lol. She will be running a motel in Cripple Creek. So it will be nice to have family near by.
Other great and exciting news is this: We will be here for the summer!! YAY!!! Thank you Heavenly Father for answering our prayers! Chad got a job offer from the Gold Mine!! So as long as he passes the physical, drug test, and background check: he starts work on the 11th! YES! The hours are not going to be fun: they are 12 hour shifts, which he will be switching days and nights, but he will get a week off every now and then...which means ::drum roll please:: that we can go to Ohio/Indiana!! YAY! Can you see me dancing around the room? :) We are super excited and just can't wait for it to start.
So we are doing well and Cam is just growing! Here are some pictures and hopefully videos that I have taken of him. i love my little man! and his daddy too! ;)