Again, not much is going on down here in Texas. Both working and getting excited about going back home to Colorado! I am really looking forward to going back home in a few weeks, but so sad to leave Texas because I won't be able to see Ariel and her kids every night. :(
I have a "to do list" of things I need to get done before we go back home... I have to say that I still haven't decided on a doctor for back home. I have two great recommendations, but I just don't know yet which doctor would be best for us and baby Cam. I know that we will figure it out, just frustrating.
I have to express my gratitude to the Lord for blessing Chad and I with wonderful friends and family who are here to help us in so many ways. The past week and a half has been stressful in different areas but we are doing good now! :) It is just amazing to see what the Lord does for us and hears our prayers and how He answers them. I'm not as stressed, which is good for me and baby. Just never doubt that the Lord is listening to you and trust in Him. It's just awesome :)
Speaking of baby, he is doing great. getting big and kicking! I have to say that I do like being pregnant in some ways. It is strange still to see my tummy move because of someone else other than me! And I still think "it's so weird!" but i love it at the same time. I just love watching my stomach move and feel him kick. It is really wonderful to just feel him kick and i know that he is doing okay. I'm almost 27 weeks which means my second trimester is coming to an end and that I will be in my third in our travels back home. That should be fun! Just have to say that... a few more weeks... :) Home to Colorado
I love your little Cam Countdown and I love the name Cameron. That is what we were going to name our first kid no matter what the sex but then we felt like we were going to have a girl and decided to pick more girlier names. I am going to be in Ohio from October 23 to November 13th so if you get to go then I will probably get to see you. I loved watching Emily move around in my belly. Sometimes I would just sit and watch while I was in my classes (especially my diseases class).