Friday, January 6, 2012

December in a nutshell

Oh my goodness! December was crazy, espeically the end of the month! Here is what went down for the Corder clan:
My mom flew out to visit us for a few days.. mostly for Cameron's first birthday! It was fun. We had some people over, had food, and a bear cake (which Chad's mom made.. so cute! and Daddy helped to decorate it). When it was time for him to dig into the cake, he wanted nothing to do with it! Chad even put his hands in it to get it messy but that just made him cry. I think Cam was overwhelmed with everything going on. But he got some cute presents! I wish I could say that I had pictures to post but sadly, I didn't take any! But I have everything on our camcorder! Oh well, next year I will do both. :)
We had a fun time with my mom being out here. We even had a small Christmas with her here. That was the day that we gave Chad's parents their BIG gifts.. but.. they had clues to find which led to their gifts.. sneaky huh? It was so fun! Chad's mom recieved a dog shock collar for Bear, and his dad got new skis! He so wasn't expecting those.. and got them on the camcorder too! :) One of my mom's gifts from us was tickets to the local theatre which was performing "The Christmas Donkey". It was so much fun and way cute! Needless to say that Chad and I are playing on making the shows part of our date nights when they perform. :) Sadly, on my mom's last day Chad and I were sick! And.. we got her sick.. so she flew home being sick. :(
Christmas Day was a lot of fun: there was a baptism at church; came home to a wonderful meal! Had family over to do gifts. We all made out like bandits! Chad even Gorilla taped a whole box! So fun for me to open :) But it was a wonderful day. We ended it with watching "The Nativity", such a good movie to remind us all what the day really represents.
So after Christmas... life has been crazy! When is it every dull here? So Chad and I are going to get our transmission for the explorer rebuilt (there goes about $1500 to $1800), my sister in law and her family are moving into the basement for a while.. yeah.. this house is so FULL! But there it is: December and the beginning year in a nutshell. But the Lord has truly blessed us with so much!
Stay tuned for pictures and stuff.. and more info on us trying to get Chad to school!

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