Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not a good day

Today..was not a good day. Cameron is sick and the sun roof on Chad's car got shattered today driving to the doctor's office. Can you say.. do over? So first off: Cameron.. has pink eye/cold and a high fever. He is doing well for truly being sick for the first time in ten months. the fever is raging between 99 and 102. It goes up and then slightly comes down. Here is hoping it will quit for the night? One sweet experience was Chad giving his first father's blessing :) I love having the priesthood in my home and a wonderful man who honors and uses it :)
So you may be asking.. how the heck did the sun roof get shattered? Oh yeah, FUN!... NOT! We were half way to the doctor's office when a rock comes and hits the front of our car (chad's at home sleeping to go to work tonight) and just think.. "oh man, not another hit to the windsheild". A few feet later it sounded like a shotgun went off in the car and glass falls down onto Chad's mom and I. What? Yeah, it just so happened that said rock hit the sun roof (which was closed) in the right spot and BAM! no more...:( so now we get to replace said sun roof. Good thing: no one was hurt...except our pocket book. Oh well, life happens but we are okay. But i am just hoping my little man can get rid of this high fever. I don't like it!! So overall...not a good day.

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