Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anyone have any Patience to spare?

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and playing the...waiting game! I have to say that I know I technically have 13 days to my "due date", but I am ready for Cam to be here in my arms or my husband's arms or to play with his little feet on the outside rather than them kicking me in the side. And the only reason why I am frustrated/upset with playing this waiting game is because... my doctor told me two weeks ago that he had dropped, i was almost 2 cm, and that I would have him soon... of course, that was her guess. Last tuesday, she told me that I was so far effifaced and dilated, and with how far we live, that if I was having contractions that were 5-7 minutes apart for an hour to go ahead and come to the hospital even if I wasn't having any "pain" and they shouldn't discharged me. So...this past wednesday, Chad and I decided to go ahead and go to the hosptial since we were doing what we were told...we get checked in at the waiting area, get checked by the nurse (75-80% effifaced, almost 4 cm dialated) and we wait for a while. An hour later, the nurse says that your doctor says to go on home. Huh? What? My contractions were just not "strong enough" and my doctor says to go home... ::sighs:: And that I should come back if my contractions start to take my breath away or my water breaks. Sadly, neither have happened and it has been 5 days! Granted, I know that Cam will come when he wants to...but... come on! I guess I am in the mind set that well if you are going to come early and my body is going so far.. let's keep going and finish it! :) Don't get me wrong, my pregnancy has gone really well and I have enjoyed feeling him move and hiccup...but I am ready to have him out and Chad wants to hold his son so badly. Everyone wants to meet him and get to know him, as much as I do. I guess what is frustrating me is that told one thing and my body just isn't doing what they want. My only fear right now, is really NOT the weather (we don't have ANY snow!) but the fact that when I start having "painful" contrations is that I might have a short labor and not get to the hospital in time. It is just a scary thought for us. And granted I am having/feeling contractions all the time (not really recording them often) that are feeling more tight and have some pain, but the pain doesn't last long. So... come on body and my baby boy! Oh well, there is our rant for the month!
So last sunday during church, my in-laws, my mom, chad and I made a guess of Cam's birthdate, weight, length, and other items based on above info.. Sadly, Chad's day (the 9th) passed. My sis-in-law's day (11th) passed. And so far my father in law's day (12th) is passing. So far my mother in law's and mine day (13th) is possible and my mom guessed the 15th. If Cam comes early, I'd love it to be th 13th because it is one of my best friend's birthday or the 14th because it was my grandma Canter's birthday. But if Cam doesn't come early, I want it to be the 18th or 19th that way my mom will be here for his birth..
So again.. anyone have any patience to spare for me? Cause I just want to know and have this baby boy of ours soon!

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