I can't believe that my little man is now ten months old. It is just crazy! It amazes me how fast the time went, even though everyone told me it does! To be honest, I knew I always wanted to be a mother and knew that it would be a lot of work...but I didn't realize that I would love it this much! It still hits me every now and then that Chad and I are parents! (even with ten months of having Cameron). It is amazing to have Cameron and I just can't imagine how my life would be without him. At church on Sunday, Cam wasn't with me for the last 40 minutes and it is so strange how I am like "I'm missing Cam on my lap!" or going everywhere on the floor. He is such a big part of our lives and we wouldn't trade it for anything! I know Chad loves being a dad and it hits him all the time of how much he loves his little man. And just how this just shows us in a small way what Heavenly Father feels for us. How amazing?
We love the gospel and all the knowledge that the Lord has blessed us with. I know I don't always bear my testimony to others. But I know that there is a God who loves us so much to send us here to learn and to have families and to someday be worthy and return to Him. I know that Jesus is the Christ and our brother who came to do the Lord's will. He made an atonement to help us return to Heavenly FAther because He loves us so much. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon and for the knowledge that it contains. I am grateful for Joseph Smith who stood for what he knew to be true and didn't lack the courage to do the right thing. I am so grateful for all the examples I have in my life: my parents, my in-laws, my husband, my friends, my little man (who teaches me patience all the time), and countless others. I am so grateful for eternal families and the temple, what a wonderous place to be able to go to focus on what is truly important in life. I love my family very much... :) Life is good with the right attitude of the important things and not the silly things that distract us daily.